Bangunan 5 tingkat wajib
diperiksa BH 04/07/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Isnin - Semua bangunan melebihi lima tingkat wajib diperiksa
keselamatan dan kestabilannya setiap 10 tahun bagi memastikan ia kukuh dan
tidak membahayakan penghuni. Peraturan itu yang termaktub dalam pindaan
Undang-undang Kecil Bangunan Seragam 1984 bertujuan memastikan kejadian
bangunan runtuh seperti tragedi pangsapuri Highland Towers tidak berulang.
Mandatory inspection every
10 years: Ting
BT 04/07/1995 By Mary Zachariah
THE Uniform Building By-Laws 1984 is to be gazetted in September this year
making it mandatory for buildings with more than five storeys to be
inspected every 10 years. Housing and Local Goverment Minister Datuk Dr
Ting Chew Peh said the by- laws would be enforced immediately after they
have been gazetted.
Building sector contribution
to go up BT 04/07/1995
THE building and construction industry is expected to double its
contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) by the year 2000. The
industry currently contributes about 4 per cent of the GDP. Sirim's
director-general, Datuk Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali said this at the dialogue
between Sirim and the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)
Keselamatan kondominium
HM 04/07/1995
KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan berharap Dewan
Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) dapat memastikan semua peraturan berkaitan
keselamatan dan kestabilan bangunan diberi perhatian apabila meluluskan
semula pembinaan kondominium di lereng bukit. Ini bertujuan memastikan
kejadian tidak diingini, seperti tragedi Highland Towers daripada berulang.
Safety tests a must for some
buildings soon NST 04/07/1995 By A. Hafiz Yatim
KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. - From September, all buildings of five storeys or more
and which are 10 years or older will require safety inspections from
certified structural and civil engineers. Housing and Local Government
Minister Datuk Dr Ting Chew Peh said this ruling is to be imposed since
the amendment to the Uniform Building By- Laws 1984 is expected to be
gazetted in two months' time.
A look at old structures
NST 05/07/1995
BETTER safety standards emerging out of the Highland Towers debris with
the soon-to-be-gazetted amendments to the Uniform Building By-law should
serve to temper some of the skepticism that the resultant hullabaloo is
silenced when the dust settles. The amendments which, among other things,
require that buildings higher than five storeys and above 10 years old
should undergo safety inspections by certified structural and civil
engineers, when enforced, will hopefully see a greater respect for
maintenance and public safety among owners of buildings. The onus being on
the building management or owner to conduct the safety checks, the
engineers to conduct the safety inspections, and the local municipal
councils to monitor the buildings, accountability should assume bigger and
more significant proportions in the scheme of legislative obligations and
civic consiousness. It provides a safety harness for the public in that
where civic sense fails, the fear of punishment should become operative.
Environment must not be
sacrificed for development: Daim BT 08/07/1995
FORMER Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin has expressed concern over
environmentally-destructive development projects in Malaysia and
criticised developers and planners who associate development only in terms
of sky-scrappers without regard to the consequences. He said in Malaysia
mountains are flattened and trees felled indiscriminately and these acts
are destroying the environment. "Where else in this world can we see
sky-scrappers being built on mountains but in Malaysia," he said in his
letter published by Utusan Malaysia yesterday.
Menara jadi sasaran BM 09/07/1995
AMPANG: Kes kecurian pelbagai peralatan dan harta benda yang ditinggal di
dua blok bangunan kondominium Highland Towers dekat sini, dilaporkan
semakin berleluasa sejak kebelakangan ini. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penghuni
Highlands Towers, Dr Benjamin George, berkata sejak tragedi sebuah
bangunan di situ runtuh pada Disember 1993, lebih 30 orang ditahan kerana
disyaki terbabit mencuri di sekitar kawasan dua blok bangunan itu.
Looters on the loose at
Blocks 2, 3 SUM 09/07/1995
THE deserted Blocks 2 and 3 of the Highland Towers in Ampang, Kuala
Lumpur, is slowly but surely being ripped apart ... not by demolition
squads as originally directed but by looters! And these are no ordinary
looters out to make some easy pocket money either! They are scrap metal
dealers who make daily rounds to the poorly guarded blocks in search of
metal, be they metal window grilles or copper wires.
Towers: Speed up hearing SUM 09/07/1995 By V. Vasudevan
THE Highland Towers Owners and Residents' Committee has urged the
Government to speed up hearing of legal suits brought against various
parties. The committee said it had been almost two years since the
collapse of the multi-storye apartment block in Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, and
the progress, if any, towards resolving the many issues was indeed slow.
Residents seek help to
settle claims, disputes NSUNT 09/07/1995 By Ramlan Said
KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. - After almost two years and with no solution in sight,
the Highland Towers Owners and Residents Committee today appealed to the
authorities to assist in speeding up the various claims and disputes
arising from the collapse of the condominium. It said the case should be
considered special and justify intervention to enable hearings to be
initiated as soon as possible.
Tragedi alam perlu jadi
pengajaran BH 10/07/1995 By Shamshul Azree Samshir
KUALA LUMPUR, Ahad - Kerajaan perlu memperketatkan pelaksanaan undang-
undang mengenai pemuliharaan alam sekitar bagi mengelak pihak yang
bertanggungjawab terhadap tragedi akibat bencana alam terlepas begitu
sahaja. Kebanyakan pembaca yang menghubungi ruangan ini berpendapat,
walaupun bencana alam tidak dapat dielakkan, kesannya kepada manusia dapat
dikurangkan jika pihak yang bertanggungjawab berusaha ke arah itu, sama
ada melalui undang-undang atau ketegasan mereka.
Stiffer penalties to ensure
building safety BT 11/07/1995
ALL those responsible for submitting building plans, and for their
construction - be they architects, engineers, contractors, or site
supervisors - who fail to ensure the safety or stability of their
construction projects will soon be held liable to fines of up to RM500,000
or 10 years' jail or both. Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Dr
Ting Chew Peh said yesterday this will be made possible with the recent
amendments to the Uniform Building By-Laws (1984).
Hill projects: States told
to go by the Act NST 11/07/1995 By G. Danapal
KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. - State Governments must abide by the Land Conservation
Act on the development of projects on hillslopes pending the settlement of
a legal query over the mandatory implementation of environmental impact
assessment (EIA) reports for such development projects. Science,
Technology and Environment Minister Datuk Law Hieng Ding said today the
Act clearly stated that development projects of a five-degree gradient
were considered moderate, 20-degree gradient as dangerous and 30 degrees
as critical.
Kabinet bincang projek tanah
tinggi BH 12/07/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Selasa - Kabinet akan membincangkan kelemahan penguatkuasaan
peraturan projek pembangunan di tanah tinggi yang tidak terkawal, esok
serta mencari jalan mengatasinya. Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir
Mohamad berkata penguatkuasaan peraturan penting diberi penekanan kerana
kegiatan pembangunan kawasan tanah tinggi masih berleluasa walaupun banyak
undang-undang dan peraturan digubal oleh kerajaan.
Pembinaan: Tangani secara
BH 14/07/1995
TRAGEDI Highland Towers dan tanah runtuh di jalan susur ke Genting
Highlands meninggalkan banyak pengajaran. Isnin lalu, kita dikejutkan pula
dengan kejadian bumbung sebuah bangunan di Klang runtuh. Kejadian di
Persiaran Raja Muda Musa, Klang itu meragut dua nyawa manakala dua lagi
pekerja parah. Kejadian itu menunjukkan masih wujud kelemahan yang mungkin
berpunca daripada langkah keselamatan yang longgar oleh pekerja sendiri
atau pihak yang terbabit memang tidak menekankan soal keselamatan pekerja
di tapak projek. Kita sedih kerana kemalangan sedemikian berpunca daripada
faktor kemanusiaan. Dalam tragedi Highland Towers 11 Disember 1993, Blok A
pangsapuri itu runtuh dan mengorbankan 48 nyawa, manakala Blok B dan C
dikosongkan. Ia dikatakan berpunca akibat struktur bangunan yang tidak
kukuh. Tragedi tanah runtuh di jalan susur ke Genting Highlands yang
mengorbankan 20 orang serta mencederakan 22 orang pada 30 Jun lalu, turut
dikaitkan dengan pembinaan di kawasan berhampiran. Bagaimanapun, hasil
penyiasatan muktamad masih belum dipastikan. Kita kesal dengan sikap
kontraktor pembinaan yang tidak mengambil iktibar daripada kemalangan lalu.
Menurut laporan Perkeso, kemalangan di sektor pembinaan meningkat daripada
3,377 kes pada 1991 kepada 3,615 kes pada 1992 dan 4,207 kes pada 1993.
Disaster relief team to be
formed NST 14/07/1995
SHAH ALAM, Thurs. - The Special Malaysian Assistance and Disaster Relief
Team (Smart) will be set up in November this year, Housing and Local
Government Minister Datuk Dr Ting Chew Peh said today. He said the team,
which would be placed under the jurisdiction of the National Security
Council, would be partly trained by trainers from the Fire Services
Accountability is the key
MB 16/07/1995
MALAYSIANS may be excused if they feel a little bit stressed by the
environment they live in nowadays. It would be a good source of humour, if
not for the dead bodies. A road (in Puchong) sinks into a chasm; an
upmarket apartment block (Highland Towers in Hulu Klang) topples over,
entombing its occupants; a landslide (on the way to Genting Highlands)
buries vehicles and holidaymakers; a burst waterpipe (in Kuala Lumpur city
centre) damages vehicles and buildings and injures passers-by; a collapsed
hillslope (in Batu Pahat) destroys homes and factories.
Elakkan tragedi satu
tanggungjawab BH 18/07/1995
KEBELAKANGAN ini kita sering dipaparkan dengan tragedi di kawasan bukit
berikutan peristiwa tanah runtuh di jalan susur ke Genting Highlands.
Sebelum itu, tragedi Highland Towers memaksa kita memikirkan dengan tegas
cara mengatasi masalah pembinaan bangunan di lereng bukit. Kedua-dua
peristiwa itu menjadi perhatian umum kerana ia membabitkan banyak nyawa
terkorban serentak. Kemalangan di lereng bukit mungkin berlaku sekali
sekala tetapi kesannya begitu dirasakan. Dari semasa ke semasa kita juga
sering mendengar laporan mengenai kemalangan di laut sama ada ia
membabitkan nelayan atau pengguna kenderaan air seperti bot, sampan,
penambang dan sebagainya. Laporan seperti ini tidak begitu hangat
dibincangkan kerana setiap kali berlaku nahas bilangan mangsa yang
terbabit mungkin kecil dan dianggap sebagai kemalangan biasa. Begitu juga
dengan kemalangan di jalan raya. Meskipun saban hari ada saja orang
terkorban, namun ia sudah dianggap lumrah. Hanya apabila kemalangan
membabitkan banyak nyawa terkorban, barulah ia mendapat perhatian semua
pihak. Tidak dapat dielakkan dalam apa juga peristiwa, kecuaian manusia
terpaksa dibabitkan. Faktor manusia yang menjadi punca kepada masalah ini
mungkin berbeza daripada tahapnya. Ia mungkin disebabkan oleh proses
pembinaan yang tidak mengambil kira faktor keselamatan dan tidak kurang
juga kelalaian mereka yang terbabit dalam nahas itu.
Pembangunan tidak terkawal
memusnahkan BH 18/07/1995 By Ahmad Faisal Alias
KETIKA pembangunan pesat bermula di seluruh negara dan bandar utama, masih
banyak kawasan lapang dan dilitupi oleh tumbuh-tumbuhan atau tanah berpaya.
Kawasan seperti ini memberi sumbangan secara senyap kepada kehidupan
seharian dengan membekalkan udara dan sistem hidrosfera bersih. Kerja
tanah yang berkaitan dengan kerja pembinaan bangunan dan projek perumahan,
perniagaan, rekreasi serta perindustrian juga berlaku pada kadar yang
rendah. Dengan itu, tanah-tanih di kawasan itu terlindung daripada kuasa
semula jadi dan ejen-ejen hakisan. Contohnya, tumbuh-tumbuhan di situ akan
menampan dan memintas air hujan daripada terus jatuh ke permukaan bumi.
Air hujan yang dipintas lambat laun akan sampai juga ke permukaan bumi
tetapi pada kadar yang jauh lebih perlahan dan tidak menjejaskan permukaan
bumi dan struktur tanah. Tumbuh- tumbuhan tutup bumi daripada mengalir
dengan pantas dan menghakis permukaan bumi. Akar tumbuh-tumbuhan juga
bertindak mencengkam kuat butiran-butiran tanah dan menghalangnya daripada
Pemaju mungkin dikenakan
deposit BH 19/07/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Selasa - Pemaju hartanah mungkin dikenakan deposit sebagai
jaminan bahawa setiap projek yang mereka bangunkan bermutu dan selamat
diduduki. Langkah itu juga bertujuan melindungi kepentingan pembeli serta
memastikan pemaju bertanggungjawab terhadap bangunan atau kediaman yang
mereka dirikan.
Where it's a case of justice
delayed is truly justice denied NST 19/07/1995 By Dr Benjamin George
THE Genting Highlands tragedy has awakened the conscience of our nation
and reminded it of the almost forgotten Highland Towers tragedy. On Dec
11, 1993, the Highland Towers Block One collaped because of a massive,
megaton landslip from the hill behind it. The nation was shocked. The
world watched. Our leaders were quick to respond with bold statements and
prompt action.
Developers may pay deposit
for safety, quality
NST 19/07/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. - The Housing and Local Government Ministry wants
property developers to place a deposit with the relevant approving
authorities to back the quality and safety assurances of their projects.
Minister Datuk Dr Ting Chew Peh today said this proposal was now being
studied and if found feasible, would be gazetted as law.
Malaysia lebih prihatin
terhadap alam sekitar BH 20/07/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Rabu - Keprihatinan Malaysia terhadap alam sekitar jauh
lebih baik berbanding negara sedang membangun lain dan negara maju. Datuk
Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, negara maju sebenarnya tidak
mempedulikan keadaan alam sekitar ketika mereka membangun dahulu. Baru
kini mereka mengenakan pelbagai syarat berkaitan alam sekitar sedangkan
sebelum ini mereka tidak pernah mengambil kira semua itu.
Highland Towers looters
stopped MM 22/07/1995
AS owners of units in Blocks 2 and 3 of the Highland Towers fight a
dragging legal battle to save their property from being demolished,
looters continue to plunder household items from the relatively unguarded
buildings. However, seven looters did not get away with stealing
electrical appliances and metal frames from the units when they were
detained by police in the past two weeks.
Local authorities may
suspend errant parties NSUNT 23/07/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. - Local authorities may be given the power to suspend
or blacklist errant developers, contractors and professionals from
undertaking projects in a move to check against slipshod performance and
inferior quality of work. Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Dr
Ting Chew Peh said today other measures that might be introduced to deal
with unscrupulous players in the construction industry included banning
the use of in-house professional and contracting services.
Insuring house and worldly
belongings NSUNT 23/07/1995 By Shaik Osman Majid
LANDSLIPS, subsidences of land and the collapse of buildings are very much
in the news these days. We have had more than our share of these
tragedies. A month ago, lives and vehicles were engulfed by landslips
along the road to Genting Highlands. In December 1993, a 12-storey
condominium block collapsed in a scheme known as Highland Towers.
Forty-eight people perished.
No excuse for tardy states
NST 28/07/1995
THE State Governments in Peninsular Malaysia seem to be dragging their
feet in adopting the amendments to the Street, Drainage and Building Act
1994 which were passed by Parliament last August and gazetted the
following September. Perhaps it would be unfair to view this tardiness as
a reflection of the general state of affairs in the State Governments and
the local authorities under their jurisdiction, which administer land and
related matters, but it certainly does them no credit as far as efficiency
is concerned. The amendments are sorely needed and have been promulgated
following the Highland Towers tragedy which occurred in December 1993 with
the loss of 48 lives.
Flet bak lubang kubur
HM 29/07/1995 By Fadzil Abdul Rashid; Asrol Awang; Aszahari Ali
KUANTAN: Kira-kira 500 penghuni rumah pangsa berkembar Blok N1 dan N2 di
Taman Perumahan Awam Kos Rendah (PAKR) Bandar Indera Mahkota di sini dalam
bahaya kerana blok bangunan lima tingkat itu dikatakan dibina di atas
bekas satu saliran anak sungai yang diratakan. Kebanyakan penduduk yang
ditemui mendakwa tapak asas rumah pangsa yang dibina pada 1990 dan
diduduki setahun kemudian tidak kukuh kerana wujudnya aliran air di bawah
tanah yang menyebabkan tanah mendap secara perlahan- lahan.
Developers to get guide book
containing all laws NST 29/07/1995 By Chan Cheng Tuan
PETALING JAYA, Fri. - The Government is coming out with a comprehensive
compilation of all important laws and regulations governing development
projects to ensure those concerned are fully aware of them. The Housing
and Local Government, and Science, Technology and Environment Ministries
will be setting up a joint committee to compile the guidelines for the
easy reference of developers.
Down, out of pocket and
forgotten NSUNT 30/07/1995 By Carolyn Hong
THE sole "resident" of the deserted Highland Towers these days is a lone
turtle paddling lethargically in a mossy and stagnant pool. But the spooky
atmosphere which echoes with every footstep has not deterred looters or
morbid curiosity seekers. Even as we stood outside Block 2, we heard
sounds of hammering as if looters were at work and bumped into obvious
"tourists" who peered in but dared not enter.
No hearing date yet for case
taken by residents against developer, others NSUNT 30/07/1995
SINCE Block 1 fell over on 11 Dec 1993, a whirlwind of events has turned
the Highland Towers issue into a myriad of twists and turns. For Block 1,
six victims and kin of those affected by the collapsed block have filed a
suit at the High Court in Kuala Lumpur on Oct 15, 1994 against the
developer, Highland Properties Sdn Bhd and eight others, seeking RM1.6
million in special damages and redress.
Report finds slopes, walls
pose danger NSUNT 30/07/1995
LEAVING aside the question of who is to blame for the Highland Towers
collapse and to pay for remedial works, what are the chances of saving the
remaining blocks? The residents believe they can be saved and have come up
with a technical report to prove this. Their report also took into account
the MPAJ inquiry committee report which found that the structure of Block
1 (which would be applicable for Blocks 2 and 3 as they are identical) as
a whole was adequate and would not collapse under normal loading
Laporan dikemuka 15 Oktober
BH 02/08/1995 By Sharifuddin Mohamed; Fazli Abdullah
KUANTAN, Selasa - Jawatankuasa Penyiasat Teknikal (JPT) yang ditubuhkan
hari ini bagi menjalankan siasatan berkaitan keretakan di semua 17 flet
Perumahan Awam Kos Rendah (PAKR) Bandar Indera Mahkota di sini, akan
mengemukan laporan akhirnya pada 15 Oktober depan. Laporan itu akan
diserahkan kepada jawatankuasa induk yang diketuai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa
Perumahan dan Alam Sekitar negeri, Datuk Bahari Yahaya untuk tindakan
lanjut menangani masalah itu.
Kejadian flet retak sudah
diduga HM 02/08/1995
NEGARA pernah dikejutkan dengarn tragedi kondominium Highland Towers di
Hulu Klang runtuh hingga menimbulkan banyak persoalan di kalangan
masyarakat mengenai mutu dan keselamatan industri pembinaan tempatan.
Malah tidak kurang 10 kes yang hampir sama berlaku di seluruh negara
seolah-olah ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan industri itu.
Projek lereng bukit dibeku
sementara BH 11/08/1995 ll reports on "Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Pulau
Pinang" by Ridzuan Yop
GEORGETOWN, Khamis - Kerajaan negeri membekukan sementara semua projek
pembangunan di lereng bukit negeri ini seperti diarahkan kabinet berikutan
tragedi Highland Towers pada Disember 1993. Pengerusi Pembangunan Tanah
dan Alam Sekitar negeri, Abdul Latiff Mirasa, berkata dalam tempoh
pembekuan itu, pemaju turut diarah mengemukakan laporan geoteknikal di
kawasan pembinaan mereka.
Why trees are felled
MM 17/08/1995
THE puzzle over the clearing of trees and shrubs on a hillock near the
entrance to Taman Hillview close to Highland Towers has been solved - it
is being done to facilitate work on the six-lane middle ring road. Ampang
Jaya Municipal Council assistant public relations officer Norhayati Ahmad
said residents need not worry as the clearing work is being done for the
road project.
Venice Hill condo is safe,
says developer MM 26/08/1995 By Kamalia Abdullah
THE Hulu Langat District Council is practising transparency by allowing
residents to see progress reports on a hillslope project to allay fears of
a repeat of the Highland Towers collapse. This assurance was given to
Taman Mudun residents at a meeting yesterday with Venice Hill Resort
Living Sdn Bhd which is developing condominiums next to their area.
Geotechnical reports a must
NST 12/09/1995
HOUSING developers who want to construct buildings on hillslopes must
submit geotechnical reports to the authorities to prove that it is safe do
so, Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Peter Chin said. Replying
to Senator Datin Wan Intan Wan Ahmad Tajuddin, he said this was one of the
conditions imposed by the ministry following the Highland Towers incident
on Dec 11, 1993 where 48 people were killed. Chin said following the
incident, the Government discouraged buildings to be erected on hillslopes.
To ensure stricter enforcement, the ministry had also amended the Town and
Country Planning Act, 1976 to make sure that hillslope developments would
not adversely affect nearby areas. Chin said the ministry was also aware
that not all local authorities have professional technical staff members
to process building plans for hillslope developments. He added the
Government had promised to increase the number of such professional people
to meet the increasing demand for such services.
Team to learn from overseas
rescue teams NST 28/09/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. - A team led by Minister in the Prime Minister's
Department Datuk Chong Kah Kiat will leave for a four-nation tour tomorrow
to study the training and equipment used by disaster assistance and rescue
teams in these countries. The four-member team will visit the United
States, Sweden, France and the United Kingdom.
Penduduk sambut baik
BH 04/10/1995
SHAH ALAM, Selasa - Jawatankuasa Penduduk Highland Towers menyambut baik
keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini membatalkan notis Majlis
Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) supaya blok dua dan tiga bangunan di situ
dibaiki atau diruntuhkan. Pengerusinya, Dr Benjamin George, berkata
keputusan mahkamah menunjukkan notis yang dikeluarkan oleh MPAJ tidak
dibuat mengikut undang-undang.
Mahkamah batal notis MPAJ BH 04/10/1995 By Norazmi Abdul Talib
SHAH ALAM, Selasa - Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini membatalkan notis
yang dikeluarkan oleh Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) supaya
bangunan Blok Dua dan Tiga Highland Towers, Hulu Klang, dibaiki atau
diruntuhkan. Hakim Datuk Faiza Tamby Chik memutuskan bahawa notis yang
dikeluarkan oleh MPAJ kepada pemilik serta penduduk blok terbabit,
Highland Properties Sdn Bhd dan Yap Kim Hee & Sons Sdn Bhd, adalah di luar
bidang kuasa majlis itu.
Court quashes MPAJ's notice
BT 04/10/1995
THE High Court in Shah Alam yesterday granted the application by the
Highland Towers Residents and Owners Committee for an order of certiorari
to quash a notice issued by the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) to
repair or demolish blocks 2 and 3 of the Highland Towers in Ulu Klang in
Kuala Lumpur. Justice Datuk Faiza Tamby Chik granted the application with
cost on the grounds that the residents were not the owner of the land and
the building though they purchased the apartments as they did not have the
strata title. In this matter, he said MPAJ should issue the notice to the
developer, High Land Properties Sdn Bhd, as they are the rightful owner. -
`We prefer to be
compensated' MM 04/10/1995 By P. Selvarani
NOTWITHSTANDING the Shah Alam High Court ruling yesterday, residents and
owners of the Highland Towers in Ulu Kelang would rather be compensated
than live in a place where safety would always be suspect. Those from
Blocks 2 and 3 feel that the companies developing the land surrounding the
blocks should buy over their property instead of just strengthening the
Highland Towers demolition
notice quashed
NST 04/10/1995 By Annie Freeda Cruez
SHAH ALAM, Tues. - Owners of Highland Towers Blocks 2 and 3 today won
their first round in preventing the demolition of their former homes when
the High Court quashed a notice issued by the Ampang Jaya Municipal
Council (AJMC) in July last year. The notice had ordered that the blocks
be either repaired within three months or demolished.
Council awaits High Court's
decision MM 05/10/1995
THE Ampang Jaya Municipal Council is awaiting the written judgment of the
Shah Alam High Court before deciding on the next move over the future of
the two remaining Highland Towers blocks. Council president Abdul Karim
Munisar said once a copy of the judgment is received, the council's
lawyers will study it and make their recommendations on what it should do
Consultant appointed to draw
up drainage master plan MM 05/10/1995
THE Ampang Jaya Municipal Council has finally appointed a consultant to
draw up a drainage master plan for the Highland Towers and surrounding
areas. Council president Abdul Karim Munisar said the consultant who will
begin work in the next few days expects to have the plan ready in about
six weeks.
Salvage not practical
MM 06/10/1995 By V. Vasudevan
THE best option for the remaining two blocks of the condemned Highland
Towers both financially and psychologically, is to demolish and redevelop
the land. Several geo-technical experts and engineers contacted said this
was the only practical option as making the building safe as proposed was
financially prohibitive.
Highland Towers panel upset
over slow progress NST 06/10/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. - The Highland Towers Owners/Residents Committee is
disappointed at the failure of the authorities to act against the parties
responsible for the collapse of the condominium block. Its chairman, Dr
Benjamin George, said it would soon be two years since the tragedy and the
authorities should act so that those responsible would take the initiative
to find a solution to the problem.
Find own solution, Highland
Towers panel told NSUNT 08/10/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. - It is the duty of the Highland Towers Owners-
Residents Committee to convince the parties developing the area to buy
over the two blocks whose fate is still in question, Housing and Local
Government Minister Datuk Dr Ting Chew Peh said today. He said his
ministry has exhausted all avenues to find a solution to the residents'
grievances and could not do anything more.
Committee seeks payoff for
Highland Towers units NST 09/10/1995 By Ahmad Suffian
KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. - The Highland Towers Owners/Residents Committee is
prepared to accept a fixed quantum payment as compensation for their
apartments in Blocks Two and Three, which have been declared unsafe for
occupation. Committee chairman Dr Benjamin George said the committee would
approach MBf Properties Sdn Bhd and Arab-Malaysian Finance Berhad, which
owns the nearby hilltop and hillslope areas, to acquire the land on which
the two condominium blocks were sited.
Penduduk setuju adakan
dialog BH 13/10/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Khamis - Jawatankuasa Penduduk dan Pemilik Highland Towers
menyambut baik keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi membatalkan notis yang
dikeluarkan oleh Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) supaya bangunan
Blok Dua dan Tiga Highland Towers, Hulu Klang, dibaiki atau diruntuhkan.
Setiausaha jawatankuasa itu, Chan Keng Fook, berkata keputusan hakim itu
mengambil kira mengenai pelbagai masalah yang mungkin dihadapi penduduk.
Condo panel seeks RM55m
compensation NSUNT 15/10/1995 By Vincent De Paul
KUALA LUMPUR Sat. - The Highland Towers Owners/Residents Committee is
seeking a fixed quantum payment of about RM55.2 million as compensation
for the 92 apartment owners of Blocks Two and Three which have been
declared unsafe for occupation. The figure includes RM450,000 for each
apartment in addition to RM150,000 for loss of income and for loss of
household items, according to committee chairman Dr Benjamin George.
No time limit for housing
liability NST 20/10/1995
HOUSING developers are liable for structural defects although the problem
occurred after the 12-month warranty period, Housing and Local Government
Deputy Minister Datuk Tajol Rosli Mohamad Ghazali said yesterday. He said
there was no time limit for liability due to structural defects as in the
Highland Towers incident.
Proposal on EIA for four
activities to be tabled BT 26/10/1995 By Joycelyn Lee
THE Science, Technology and Environment Ministry will table a proposal on
the mandatory implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
reports for the development of hill slopes, golf courses, former landfills
and former mining land at the National Land Council meeting in November.
Minister Datuk Law Hieng Ding said although approval by the council
regarding the mandatory implementation of EIAs for these developments will
not make it legally binding, such approval will make the move more
acceptable to state governments.
1,097 EIA reports received
since 1988 NSUNT 12/11/1995
KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. - The Department of Environment received 1,097
Environmental Impact Assessments since such reports were made a
requirement for certain projects in 1988. Of the number, 1,035 comprised
preliminary EIAs, 55 were risk analyses, seven detailed reports and the
remaining 11 reports of studies carried out on development proposals in
the Exclusive Economic Zone.
Resolving strata title
problems NST-LTIMES 15/11/1995 By Sheila Stanley
WHEN Block One of Highland Towers in Kuala Lumpur collapsed on Dec 11,
1993, the whole nation grieved. There was also a lot of finger-pointing.
On Dec 4, 1994, when making an order of certiorari to quash the repair-
or-demolish notice given by the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council in July that
year, the High Court noted that the rightful owner of the land on which
Blocks Two and Three stood was not the residents but the developer.
Apparently, strata titles had not been issued.
Highland Towers committee
seeks Anwar's mediation BT 12/12/1995
THE Highland Towers Owners/Residents' Committee is seeking the assistance
of Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to act as a mediator
between the committee and the two parties which contributed to the
Highland Towers' tragedy two years ago. Anwar is the chairman of the
Special Committee on the Highland Towers Tragedy.
Suasana pilu di Highland
Towers HM 12/12/1995
KUALA LUMPUR: Suasana sedih menyelubungi sekitar tapak pangsapuri Highland
Towers yang tumbang pada 11 Disember 1993 lalu, apabila keluarga serta
sanak saudara 48 mangsa tragedi itu berkumpul bagi memperingati genap dua
tahun peristiwa itu. Selain itu, kira-kira 50 orang lagi terdiri daripada
rakan mangsa, anggota polis serta wakil pertubuhan beruniform yang
terbabit dalam operasi menyelamat serta wakil media massa menghadiri
upacara itu.
Pemilik tuntut keadilan
HM 12/12/1995 By Azwani Abdul Ghani
KUALA LUMPUR: Pemilik Pangsapuri Highland Towers akan menghantar petisen
kepada Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim jika masih gagal
mengadakan dialog dengan Arab Malaysian Finance Berhad dan Malaysia Borneo
Finance Berhad. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penghuni dan Pemilik Pangsapuri
Highland Towers, Dr Benjamin George, berkata dialog berkenaan bertujuan
mencari jalan penyelesaian di luar mahkamah memandangkan kedua-dua
institusi kewangan itu turut bertanggungjawab terhadap tragedi itu.
Hghlands Towers panel to
seek Anwar's help NST 12/12/1995 By Ahmad Suffian
KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. - The Highland Towers Owners/Residents' Committee will
submit a signed petition to Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
to seek his assistance to compel the contributory parties to the collapse
of Block A on Dec 11, 1993, to negotiate some form of compensation for
them. Its chairman, Dr Benjamin George, said the petition to Anwar, who is
also chairman for the Cabinet committee for the Highland Towers tragedy,
would contain signatures of the 660 residents of Blocks B and C, relatives
of the 48 people who perished in the tragedy and their close friends.
Remembering Highland Towers
victims NST 12/12/1995
THE MEMORY AND GRIEF LIVE ON ... Two years have passed since a block of
the Highland Towers collapsed and while the city and its surroundings shot
skywards, the death of 48 people has been largely forgotten. Housewife
Jenny Tan shed tears as she paid tribute yesterday to the victims,
including her three sons, her sister, brother-in-law and nephew.