Saksi cerita
penemuan ngeri di Highland Towers BH 02/04/1997
AMPANG, Selasa - Mahkamah Koroner di sini, hari ini diberitahu bahawa
pasukan penyiasat menemui beberapa mayat yang sudah busuk, antaranya tidak
berkepala dan kaki serta tangan di tangga pangsapuri Blok Satu Highland
Towers selepas seminggu bangunan itu runtuh. Asisten Superintendan Amidon
Anan, pegawai penyiasat kejadian itu berkata, cebisan daging dan tulang
manusia juga ditemui di tangga pangsapuri 12 tingkat yang runtuh pada
tengah hari 11 Disember 1993, yang mengorbankan 48 orang.
decomposed, charred bodies found on building staircase' NST 02/04/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. - Several highly decomposed bodies - some headless and
without limbs - were found on the staircases of the collapsed Block 1 of
Highland Towers condominium a week after the tragedy, a coroner's court
heard today. ASP Amidon Anan, the investigation officer of the tragedy,
said human flesh and bones were also found on the staircases of the
12-storey building which toppled in the afternoon of Dec 11, 1993, killing
48 people.
Mayat mangsa
kondo runtuh tidak sempurna BH 04/04/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Khamis - Mahkamah Koroner hari ini diberitahu kebanyakan
mayat yang ditemui pasukan mencari dan menyelamat dalam tragedi
kondominium runtuh Highland Towers, Ulu Klang berada dalam keadaan tidak
sempurna. Asisten Superintendan Nor Azizan Anan berkata, 23 mayat yang
kebanyakannya wanita berada dalam keadaan tidak sempurna seperti tidak
berkepala, berkaki atau bertangan.
streams seen near collapsed condominium' NST 04/04/1997
AMPANG, Thurs. - There was continuous flow of water forming small streams
near the collapsed Block 1 of Highland Towers condominium, the coroner's
court heard today. Assistant Superintendent Nor Azizan Anan, the
investigation officer, said the small streams could be seen at the hill
near the Highland Towers condominium.
menanti di pangsapuri BH 10/04/1997 By Fazli Abdullah
SAMA ada disedari atau tidak, lebih daripada sejuta pemilik kondominium,
pangsapuri dan rumah pangsa di negara ini masih tidak mempunyai
perlindungan undang-undang yang mencukupi ke atas kediaman mereka kerana
belum memiliki hak milik strata. Sehingga Disember lalu, sedekad selepas
Akta Hak Milik Strata 1985 dikuatkuasakan, hanya 76,190 petak atau unit
kediaman di bangunan berbilang tingkat memiliki surat hak milik strata
daripada 124,220 petak yang dipohon oleh pemilik bangunan.
Doktor imbas
kematian mangsa Highlands Towers: Saksi BH 11/04/1997
AMPANG, Khamis - Seorang ahli patologi hari ini memberitahu Mahkamah
Koroner di sini bahawa wanita Jepun yang berjaya dikeluarkan daripada
runtuhan kondominium Highland Towers pada 11 Disember 1993, mati
disebabkan pendarahan dalaman teruk yang dialaminya selepas bangunan itu
runtuh. Dr Shahrum Abdul Wahid berkata, walaupun sudah dirawat dengan
bersungguh-sungguh oleh doktor selepas dimasukkan ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur
pada 10.30 malam pada hari kejadian, Shizue Nakajima gagal diselamatkan.
tells how Towers victim was identified NST 11/04/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. - A pathologist told the coroner's court today that
the identity of one of the victims of the Highland Towers tragedy was
determined from the fingerprints and dental records. Dr Shahrum Abdul
Wahid, attached to the Forensic Unit of the Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia's Medical Faculty, said on Dec 18, 1993 he did a post- mortem on
the body of the victim.
Ada mayat
putus kepala: Doktor BH 15/04/1997
AMPANG, Isnin - Seorang pakar patologi Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL)
memberitahu Mahkamah Koroner di sini hari ini, beliau membedah siasat
mayat seorang kanak-kanak yang tidak mempunyai kepala kerana terkorban
dalam runtuhan pangsapuri Blok Satu Highland Towers pada Disember 1993. Dr
Abdul Halim Mansar berkata, kanak-kanak lelaki itu dihantar kepadanya
untuk dibedah siasat dengan kepalanya putus manakala tangan kirinya hilang.
Victims died
upon building's collapse NST 15/04/1997By Chok Suat Ling
KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. - A pathologist told the Ampang coroner's court today
that autopsies conducted on eight victims of the Highland Towers tragedy
revealed that they died instantly upon the building's collapse. Dr Abdul
Halim Mansar, 48, a pathologist attached to Kuala Lumpur Hospital,
conducted autopsies on the eight victims between Dec 18 and 21, 1993, and
found that they had died from multiple injuries.
Maut kerana
sesak nafas BH 16/04/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Selasa - Seorang ahli patologi hari ini memberitahu Mahkamah
Koroner di sini, seorang lelaki yang terbunuh dalam tragedi kondominium
Highland Towers yang runtuh pada 11 Disember 1993, mati disebabkan sesak
nafas. Dr Mohd Shah Mahmud berkata selepas menjalankan bedah siasat
terhadap mayat Yap Kien Seng, 18, dia mendapati sebab kematian adalah
traumatic asphyxia akibat tertimbus di bawah bangunan yang runtuh itu.
Victim died
of suffocation, pathologist tells inquest NST 16/04/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. - The Ampang coroner's court was told today that one
of the victims of the Highland Towers condominium collapse which took
place more than three years ago, died from respiratory problems. Dr Mohd
Shah Mahmood from Kuala Lumpur Hospital's pathology unit said he performed
an autopsy on Yap Kien Seng, 18, and found the cause of death was due to
"traumatic asphyxia" resulting from being buried under the collapsed
Lima mangsa
mati serta-merta BH 18/04/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Khamis - Seorang ahli patologi yang memberi keterangan
mengenai punca kematian lima lagi mangsa tragedi kondominium Highland
Towers yang runtuh pada 11 Disember 1993 dan berkata semuanya mati serta-
merta. Pakar runding di Bahagian Forensik Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur, Dr
Mohd Shah Mahmud, memberi keterangan har ini mengenai kematian wanita
Korea, Jung Soon Bahk, 45, selain Daryl Koh Wai Kin, 3, Yap Hsiao Mei, 18
dan ibu Yap, Wong Mee Thai, 35, serta Douglas Ong Tee Ming, 17.
identified `through fingerprints and clothings' NST 18/04/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. - The Ampang coroner's court was told today that
victims of the Highland Towers condominium collapse were identified
through their fingerprints. Dr Mohd Shah Mahmood from Kuala Lumpur
Hospital's pathology unit said the victims were also identified through
the clothes and jewellery they were wearing when they were brought in for
builders get reminder on strata titles NST 27/06/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. - Developers of highrise buildings must apply for
strata titles for the buyers or face legal action, Deputy Land and Co-
operative Development Minister Dr Goh Cheng Teik said today. He said the
number of developers who had not applied for the titles were
"frighteningly substantial" but could not give the figures.
H. Towers'
quick collapse due to use of rail piling NST 29/08/1997 By Sumitha Martin
KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. - The erosion of the area surrounding the Highland
Towers condominium and its eventual collapse would have been a noticeable
and gradual process if concrete piling, instead of rail piling, had been
used for the building's foundation. Chairman of the Technical
Investigating Committee into the collapse of Highland Towers, Dr Nik
Ramlan Nik Hassan, told the Ampang coroner's court today that if concrete
piling had been used, the collapse of the condominium would have occurred
after a prolonged period and would have shown signs of an impending
Pelukis pelan
pangsapuri tiada kelayakan BH 14/10/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Isnin - Bekas presiden Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (Pam)
hari ini memberitahu Mahkamah Koroner di sini bahawa pelukis pelan
pangsapuri Highland Towers yang runtuh pada 11 Disember 1993 tidak
mempunyai kelayakan bagi bangunan setinggi 12 tingkat. Henry Lee Inn Seong,
49, berkata pelukis pelan itu, Wong Tin Sang, hanya mempunyai kelayakan
untuk mendirikan bangunan tidak melebihi 300 meter persegi atau 3,000 kaki
persegi atau tidak melebihi dua tingkat.
Pelukis pelan
tidak layak HM 14/10/1997
KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas presiden Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) semalam
memberitahu Mahkamah Koroner di sini bahawa pelukis pelan pangsapuri
Highland Towers yang runtuh pada 11 Disember 1993 tidak mempunyai
kelayakan bagi bangunan setinggi 12 tingkat. Henry Lee Inn Seong, 49,
berkata pelukis pelan itu, Wong Tin Sang, hanya mempunyai kelayakan untuk
mendirikan bangunan tidak melebihi 300 meter persegi atau 3,000 kaki
persegi atau tidak melebihi dua tingkat.
Towers draughtsman `not qualified' NST 14/10/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. - The Coroner's Court here was told today that the
draughtsman for the Highland Towers condominium which collapsed on Dec 11,
1993, was not qualified to draw plans for a 12-storey high building. Henry
Lee Inn Seong, 49, the immediate past president of the Malaysian Institute
of Architects, said the draughtsman, Wong Tin Sang, was not qualified to
draw plans for buildings over 300 sq m or 3,000 sq ft in area, that is
buildings above two storeys.
Towers collapse: Decision on Nov 3 NST 17/10/1997
KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. - The Coroner's Court here today fixed Nov 3 to
deliver its decision in the inquest into the deaths of 48 people in the
Highland Towers condominium collapse on Dec 11, 1993. Coroner Mohamed
Radzi Abas deferred decision after Deputy Public Prosecutor Baizurah Kamal
closed the case after calling 16 witnesses.
Towers diisytihar nahas BH 04/11/1997 By Anwar Hussin
AMPANG, Isnin - Mahkamah Koroner di sini hari ini memutuskan tragedi
pangsapuri Highland Towers di Hulu Klang, yang runtuh pada 11 Disember
1993 sehingga mengorbankan 48 nyawa, bukan disebabkan sebarang unsur
jenayah dan bencana alam, tetapi adalah satu kejadian nahas. Koroner Mohd
Radhi Abas yang membuat keputusan itu berkata, kematian 48 penghuni
Highland Towers itu adalah disebabkan kecederaan berganda yang menimpa
mereka selepas pangsapuri terbabit runtuh.
Towers tragedy a misadventure: Court BT 04/11/1997
THE Coroner's Court in Kuala Lumpur yesterday returned a verdict of
misadventure following an inquest into the Highland Towers condominium
tragedy which claimed 48 lives on December 11 1993. Coroner Mohamed Radzi
Abas said that the Highland Towers collapse was not a natural disaster.
Highland Towers bukan bencana alam HM 04/11/1997
KUALA LUMPUR: Mahkamah Koroner di sini semalam memutuskan bahawa tragedi
kondominium Highland Towers runtuh dan mengorbankan 48 nyawa pada 11
Disember 1993, sebagai satu nahas. Majistret Mohd Radzi Abas yang
bertindak sebagai koroner dalam inkues untuk menyiasat punca keruntuhan
kondominium itu berkata, kejadian yang berlaku itu "bukan satu bencana
alam semula jadi".
verdict in inquest into death of 48 in Highland Towers collapse NST 04/11/1997 By Ruslaini Abbas; Leong Shen-li
KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. - Almost four years after the incident, the Coroner's
Court ruled today the death of 48 people in the Highland Towers
condominium collapse on Dec 11, 1993 was a misadventure. Coroner Mohamed
Radzi Abas, however, said there were contributing factors which led to the
collapse although no criminality was involved.
Four years
after the tragedy one court proceeding ends NST 04/11/1997 By Carolyn Hong
HIGHLAND TOWERS has become a marker in time, a convenient reference point
for subsequent disasters, though memories of the tragedy itself and of its
displaced occupants, have largely faded. Today, the two remaining blocks
stand vandalised, looted and in eerie silence. The residents are fighting
a hard battle for compensation, through endless rounds of meetings and two
civil suits.