Should there be a new law?
Streamlining the Strata Titles Act (STA) to give legislative context to a
gated comunity (GC) scheme can be complicated, so the faster option may be
to create new legislation explicitly for such a scheme.
There are numerous GCs in existence that do not COIne under any clear law,
and so they operate on contractual relationships such as a standard Sale and
Purchase Agreement (SPA) and a Deed of Mutual Covenants (DMC).
If certain relevant amendments are made to the STA - and quickly then
existing developments can be regulated and managed, condominium-style, but
with a cluster housing concept.
One important amendment would be to define "strata subdivision", which is
the subdivision of one or more parcels, whether or not any parcel is on the
same level as another. Remember, l have said (in the main story) that under
existing law, the STA cannot apply to bungalows, terraces or semi-dees and
that atithorities only allow for "horizontal", not "vertical" subdivisions.
Of course, it may not be possible to giye retrospective effect to the
amendments and bring all the existing developments under the law.
However, there is another alternative, and that is to enact new legislation
to cater specifically to gated community schemes.
Such legislation could be in the form of a law, which could be called the "Cummunity
Land Titles and ManagementAct". Within it, titles should be require to
effect transfer of landed property, common areas should be explicitly
identified and provisions made for the formationof management corporations
by the members of the community.
It should primarily serve as a flexible and contemporary framework for the
use of freehold and leasehold land for communally-based arrangements as well
as for establishing, operating and managing community land title schemes.
The new legislation could also:
Be a legislative framework to
accommodate all future trends and developments in community titling;
Create an appropriate
environment of consumer protection for owners and future buyers of
property in community-title schemes;
Create a balance of rights for
individual owners where the responsibility for self-management is the
mainstay of the scheme;
Further the economic
development of community-title schemes by establishing flexible
administrative and management arrangements;
Allow community-title scheme
management corporations to control the common property on behalf of the
property owners;
Allow access to information on
the community-title scheme; and Create a framework for an effective and
efficient dispute resolution;
Other than these steps, the new
law should also strive to provide for the:
Establishment and basic
operation of the community-title scheme;
Concept of a layered
arrangement of community- title schemes;
Defining of common property;
Amalgamation and subdivision of
cornmunity-title schemes;
Termination of a
community-title scheme;
Management structures and
Financial and property
management procedures;
Conduct of owners and
Drawing up of bylaws;
Sub-sale of properry within the
A great deal of effort will be
needed to push such a law through. A key issue will be which Government
authority will oversee the new legislation. Will it come under housing
development or land management?
It will also have to be distinguished from the Strata Titles Act and have
relevance to Schedule G of the Housing Development Act, while the National
Land Code and other land related legislation may also require changes to
accommodate the new law.
The continue development of GCs under the many laws in Malaysia will be
fraught with risks that can
demolish the potential benefits. If this continues, then we may even see the
development of such
schemes come to a grinding halt.
While the multiplier effect of any new legislation will be far reaching, the
Country may have to consider it seriously, if we want greater transparency
in the property market and allow the structured development of new real
estate concepts such as gated communities. - Gurjit Singh