Remuneration Order 1991
Note: Check with for the
latest fees.
Order 1. Citation.
This Order may be cited as the Solicitors' Remuneration Order 1991.
Order 2.
This Order shall come into force on the 1st January 1992.
Order 3.
The remuneration of a solicitor in respect of business other than
contentious business shall be —
(a) in respect of sales, purchases or other forms of conveyances for
completing any transaction involving immovable properties, the remuneration
of the solicitor having the conduct of the business whether for the vendor
or purchaser shall be in accordance with the
First Schedule. Where in the case of any sale and purchase no individual
strata title has been issued the solicitors having conduct of the subsequent
transfer shall be entitled to charge a fee under the Sixth Schedule;
(b) in respect of tenancies/leases and agreements for tenancies/ leases in
the Second Schedule, or agreements reserving
rent, for completing any transaction, the remuneration of the solicitor
having the conduct of the business shall be in accordance with the
Second Schedule;
(c) in respect of Discharges of Charges/Deeds of Reassignment pertaining to
charged/assigned properties, for completing any transaction, the
remuneration of the solicitor having the conduct of the business shall be in
accordance with the Third Schedule;
(d) in respect of Charges, Debentures, by way of a fixed or floating charge,
and other Security Documents, the remuneration of the solicitor having the
conduct of and completing the business whether for the lender/chargor or the
borrower/chargor shall be in accordance with the
Fourth Schedule;
(e) in respect of preparing, filing or witnessing of miscellaneous
documents, the remuneration of the solicitors having the conduct of such
matters shall be in accordance with the charges prescribed in the
Fifth Schedule;
(f) in respect of non-contentious work for which no provision is made by
means of a scale or fixed sum and all aborted transactions, shall be
regulated in accordance with the Sixth Schedule.
Order 4.
The remuneration prescribed by
the Schedules do not include any fees payable on the registration of
documents requiring registration, stamp fees, counsel' s fees, auctioneer's
or valuer's charges, travelling or hotel expenses, fees paid on searches or
registration, costs of extracts from and register or record, or other
disbursements reasonably and properly paid, nor does it include the cost of
any extra work, or any business of a contentious nature, nor any proceedings
in any Court, but it shall include allowances for the time of the solicitor
and his clerk, and charges for normal copying and stationery and all other
similar disbursements.
Order 5.
In respect of any business which is required to be, and is by special
exertion, carried through in an exceptionally short space of time, a
solicitor may charge additional remuneration for the special exertion
according to the circumstances.
Order 6.
A solicitor may charge interest at eight per centum per annum on his
disbursements and costs whether by scale or otherwise from the expiration of
one month from demand from the client and in cases where the same are
payable by any infant or out of a fund not presently available, such demand
may be made on the parent or guardian or the trustee or other person liable.
Order 7
There shall be no discount on scale fees unless expressly provided by the
Order 8
The Solicitors' Remuneration Order 1980 [P.U. (A) 219/80] is hereby revoked.
Sale and Transfer. |
Consideration/Adjudicated Value (whichever is the
higher) |
Scale Fees |
For the first RM100,000 |
1.00% |
For the next RM4,900,000 |
0.50% |
For the next RM5,000,000 |
0.25% |
Where the consideration/ adjudicated value (whichever is
the higher) is in excess of RM10,000,000 |
Negotiable on the excess but shall not exceed 0.25% |
There shall be a minimum scale charge of RM200.
Provided that in any transaction where a standard Sale and Purchase
Agreement as provided under the Housing Developers (Control and Licensing)
Act 1966 [Act 118] or any subsidiary legislation made thereunder is
applicable and the consideration for the transfer of the property is
RM100,000 or below, then the following rates shall apply:
(a) Where the consideration is RM30,000 and below:
drawing agreement of sale to completion —
(b) Where the consideration is in excess of RM30,000 but not more than
drawing agreement of sale to completion —
Scale fees less 25% |
Scale fees less 25% |
1. A solicitor whether acting for the vendor or the purchaser shall charge
the full scale fee.
2. A solicitor acting for the purchaser may also act for his client in the
3. A solicitor acting for the purchaser may also act for his client in the
loan transaction.
4. Where a solicitor is instructed to put up a property for sale by public
auction —
(a) the vendor's solicitor shall charge full scale on the sale price for
conducting the sale including drafting and settling conditions of sale if
the property is sold but if the property is not sold, he shall charge
one-half of scale on the reserve price, or if there is no reserve price,
one-half of scale on the highest bid as certified in writing by the
auctioneer but if there is no reserve price and no bid, the solicitor shall
charge according to the Sixth Schedule;
(b) the fee of one-half of scale investigating title and perusing and
completing transfer on a sale by auction is to be chargeable on each lot of
property, except that where a property held under the same title is divided
into lots for convenience of sale and the same purchaser buys several such
lots and takes one transfer, one-half of scale is to be chargeable by the
vendor's solicitor upon the aggregate prices of the kits and full scale is
to be chargeable by the purchaser's solicitor upon the aggregate prices of
the lots;
(c) the fee on an attempted sale by auction of lots is to be chargeable on
the aggregate of the reserve prices (or if there be no reserve prices, the
aggregate of the highest bids). When property offered for sale is not sold
by or on behalf of the owner to a third party and terms are afterwards
negotiated and arranged by the same solicitor, he shall charge full scale on
the reserve price where the property is not sold and also one-half of scale
negotiating the sale. When property is bought in and afterwards offered for
auction by the same solicitor, he shall charge only full scale for the first
attempted sale and for each subsequent sale ineffectually attempted he shall
charge according to the Sixth Schedule. In case of a subsequent effectual
sale by auction he shall charge full scale less one-half of the fee
previously charged on the first attempted sale.
5. The scale in the First Schedule shall apply to transfers of charges and
leases based on the consideration for such transfers or adjudicated value
whichever is the higher.
6. In addition to the other fees payable to a solicitor under this Order,
where a solicitor negotiates any transaction he shall be entitled to charge
a negotiating fee. The scale for negotiating sale or purchase shall be in
accordance with the scale prescribed by the First Schedule and shall apply
to cases where the solicitor for a vendor or purchaser arranges the sale or
purchase and the price and terms and conditions thereof and no commission is
paid by the client to an auctioneer or estate or other agent. The
negotiating fee payable pursuant to this rule shall be the full scale fee
irrespective of whether the sale or purchase is negotiated by the solicitor
acting on behalf of the vendor or the purchaser.
Monthly rent |
Scale Fees |
For the first RM10,000 |
50%subject to a minimum charge of RM600 |
(b) For the next RM90,000
(c ) Where the rent is in excess of RM100,000. |
Negotiable on the excess but shall not exceed 20% |
Monthly rent |
Scale Fees |
For the first RM10,000
(b)For the next RM90,000
(c) Where the rent is in excess of RM100,000 |
25% subject to a minimum
charge of RM300
Negotiable on the excess but shall not exceed 10% |
There shall be a minimum scale charge of
RM200. |
A solicitor whether acting for the landlord/lessor or tenant/lessee, shall
charge the full scale.
2. Any consideration in the lease or tenancy agreement expressed to be
chargeable other than by way of rent (e.g. service charge, hire or furniture
and fixtures) shall be deemed to be rent.
3. Where a varying rent is payable, the remuneration shall be charged on the
highest amount of rent payable.
4. Where a lease is partly in consideration of a money payment or premium
and partly of a rent, then, in addition to the remuneration prescribed in
respect of rent, there shall be paid a further sum equal to the remuneration
on a purchase at a price equal to such money payment or premium in
accordance with the scale prescribed under the First Schedule.
5. Where a Solicitor represents the lessor/landlord in respect of
leases/tenancies of ten or more leaseable/lettable units in a building or
part of a building in which a standard form of lease/tenancy is used or
where a lease/tenancy is renewed upon substantially the same terms and
conditions, the fees to be charged by the lessor's/landlord's Solicitors in
respect of those leases/tenancies shall be one-half of the fees chargeable
in respect of each lease/tenancy, subject to a minimum charge of RM200.
First title/property |
RM200 |
Each additional title/property |
RM20 |
If the Deed of Reassignment includes the Revocation of Power of Attorney, an
extra RM50 shall be charged.
The scale charges are inclusive of all necessary attendances and shall be
payable only to the Solicitor having the conduct of the matter.
Charges, Debentures and other Security Documents.
Amount Secured |
Scale Fees |
For the first RM100,000 |
1.00% |
For the next RM4,900,000 |
0.50% |
For the next RM5,000,000 |
0.25% |
Where the amount secured is in excess of RM10,000,000 |
Negotiable on the excess but shall not exceed 0.25% |
For principal instrument |
Full scale |
For each subsidiary instrument within subsection 4(3) of
Stamp Act 1949 |
1/10 scale or RM1,000, whichever is the lower |
subject to a minimum fee of RM200 for the Principal Instrument for each
Provided that in any transaction where a standard Sale and Purchase
Agreement as provided under the Housing Developers (Control and Licensing)
Act 1966 or any subsidiary legislation made thereunder is applicable and the
consideration for the transfer of the property as well as the loan sum is
RM100,000 or below, then the following rates shall apply:
(a) where the consideration as well as the loan sum is RM30,000 and below:
(b) where the consideration as well as the loan sum is in excess of RM30,000
but not more than RM100,000:
1. A solicitor whether acting for the lender/chargee or the borrower/
chargor shall charge the full scale and where applicable the one-tenth
2. Where additional facilities are granted on the security of an existing
charge/ debenture and other security document which is being stamped
additionally to cover such facilities, the solicitor shall be entitled to
charge on the above scale, at the appropriate rate as if the additional
facilities form part of the original facilities.
Preparing, filing or witnessing miscellaneous document.
(a) For witnessing execution of a document
RM50.00 for first and RM10.00 for each subsequent copy |
(b) For witnessing execution of a document
and giving an attestation certificate (if any) |
RM100.00 for first and RM10.00 for each subsequent copy |
(c) ROC forms under section 108-113 |
RM200 per set (Forms 33 & 34 as one set) |
(d) CKHT 1 forms |
RM200 per form |
(e) CKHT 2 forms |
RM100 per form |
(f) Application for consent from State
Authority/State Statutory Body |
RM200 per application |
(g) Entry of caveat pursuant to sale and
purchase agreement and loan transaction |
RM150 per title |
(h) Subsequent title |
RM20 per title |
(i) Withdrawal of caveat |
RM 100 per title |
(j) Subsequent title |
RM20 per title |
In addition to the foregoing a charge not exceeding RM50 may be made for
miscellaneous expenses.
1. The above witnessing fee is not chargeable when the solicitor has
prepared, settled or approved the document and where he has made other
charges under this Order.
2. If the witnessing solicitor is asked to advise on the contents of any
document not prepared by him, he shall be entitled to charge therefor in
accordance with the Sixth Schedule.
3. The scale charges are inclusive of all necessary attendances.
Non-contentious work for which no provision is made by means of a scale or
fixed sum shall be such sum as is fair and reasonable having regard to all
the circumstances of the case, and in particular the following
(a) the importance of the matter to the client;
(b) the skill, labour, specialised knowledge and responsibility involved on
the part of the solicitor;
(c) the complexity of the matter or the difficulty or novelty of the
question raised or both;
(d) where money or property is involved, the amount or value thereof;
(e) the time expended by the solicitor;
(f) the number, and importance of the documents prepared or perused without
regard to length;
(g) the place where and the circumstances under which the services or
business or any part thereof are rendered or transacted.