'Separate agency to check
hillslope projects a must'
22/11/2004 NST
THERE must be a separate agency to monitor all hillslope developments and
vet applications for new ones to prevent a repeat of the Highland Towers
tragedy which killed 48 people, a prominent geologist said.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia's Prof Dr Ibrahim Komo said the agency should
be made wholly responsible for approving hillside projects.
"The agency should also be tasked with monitoring all projects on hilly
terrain to ensure that even existing developments are not in any danger of
landslides," he said.
Ibrahim, who is UKM's Institute of Environment and Development (Lestari)
director, said the agency should also step in to maintain a hillside project
after its contractor was released from the responsibility of managing it.
"There must be someone taking over from the contractor once the six-year
liability period expires," he said.
Ibrahim also said existing laws, which placed land matters under the
jurisdiction of State Governments, needed to be changed to enable the agency
to assume control over hillside developments.
This, he added, was because local authorities which normally approved plans
for the construction of hillside dwellings lacked the engineering expertise
to determine if slopes were stable or vulnerable.
"At least with highways, the concessionaires themselves are responsible and
the Public Works Department's expertise is also required to assess the slope
"This is not the case for hillslope dwellings."